Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Not to reach the point of separating, I want to add more romance in our relationship!

How nice to lived in this world full of romance? How lucky we are to have with us our perfect girlfriend/ boyfriend!? When we are with our MR. & MS. RIGHT, as if we own the world. We LAUGH all the time, meaning HAPPINESS is within our hearts.
The happiness one couple is longing will always be achieved if both are in love with each other. They both have the feeling of waking up with no doubt of their love and they both sleep with no doubt of their love.
I as a person also longs with this type of relationship. I have a boyfriend for more than 2 years and I’m happy to say that we are going stronger. I guess the secret of our relationship is just to maintain this ardent romance, a relationship with intense passion and enthusiasm. Since day 1 up to now, my boyfriends is still showing his sweetness to me. We don’t prefer just in a platonic relationship, we settle for best.
Even we’ve been on for 2 years, I still have this fear of rejection. Only God knows what will happen! I have many what if’s in my mind. What if we break up? What if our relationship won’t last forever? What if I’ll not be his bride? What if he’ll live me?
All of those are questions that only God can answer! I just hope I can be a strong woman to carry those problems if ever it might happen.
In our 2 years as lovers, I can say romance is still there. But for us not to reach the point of separating, I want to add more romance in our relationship! Could you help me on that? I know you have plenty to share. Thanks for stopping by in my bog by the way. :)

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