Saturday, March 26, 2011

Introducing the Black Sheep!


I go by the name "Black Sheep" here. Not so much because I'm a black sheep, but because I like them. This is a picture of my favorite black sheep that lives on our farm.

I even collect little black sheep figurines and stuffed animals.

But black sheep aren't the only thing I like. For one thing I like other color sheep too. :-)

And I like to take pictures of sheep and all sorts of other things. I love photography! My favorite subjects are animals and nature.

Besides photograpy, I like to read a lot. I enjoy gardening. I love to travel to new places.

And I have all kinds of pets. A couple of dogs, a cat, and even a parrot.

I just like to do all kinds of things,and hopefully learn something new every day.

Because like the blog title says, every day we start life anew!

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