Saturday, July 9, 2011


Whee! This was the first time I saw this kind of slide, a big and a long one. When I tried this, it really feels so good. It’s a little bit of dizzy but it’s so fun. It makes me reminds of my grade school years playing in the playground. How I wish to be a child again.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What do you think it is? ;)


Hello there!

One of our daily activity is eating! Eating is the reason why we survive. Fruits, vegetables, meat, milk are few of the important foods that one must eat in order to have a healthy body. Heath is wealth, therefore, choose the foods you eat so wisely.

The picture I have here is not included of  the common fruits on our world today. It's seasonal and only few knew about how tasty it is. I assume you were attracted by the picture and decided to stopped by in my blog.  If that's the reason behind, a big thank you for you then.

Anyway, this is a picture of a SEREGUELAS. A cute, sweet and bite size fruit which could be mostly found in the Phils. If you wanna try this, Phils is the place to be. :)

Sharing this picture is not for you to drool and crave for this instead it is for you to criticize the way I took the picture. Yes, you read it right. Aside from eating this fruit, I also like picture taking. I'm a beginner of this and really needs so many advices from you.

I loved to hear many about photography from you. ;)